To provide turf stabilisation along fire engine access way
To provide sub-surface drainage in planter boxes
To provide water retention and drainage on extensive green roof
Turf Stabilisation
TurfPave® XD positioned onto compacted sand laid over the compacted substrate of the path created to provide fire engine access way. Infilled with a sandy soil mix TurfPave® XD provides a stable and firm substrate for turf establishment along the access way. When not in use as an access way for fire-fighting operations or emergency purposes, the access pathway remains green and aesthetically pleasing and can withstand constant daily pedestrian traffic.
Rainwater readily infiltrates into the compacted sand base below and then slowly into the substrate before eventual discharge into the local drainage system. An impermeable access way, like an asphalt road on the other hand, will not allow run-off to infiltrate and thus contribute to run-off volumes and stormwater management problems.
Landscape Roof / Sub-surface Drainage
VersiCell® sub-surface drainage modules were installed to line the interior of planter boxes, at the base and also the sides, to provide a void beneath planting media to enable expeditious transport of excess water to drainage outlets to prevent waterlogging. A non-woven geotextile filter fabric over the drainage modules form a filter separation layer that allowed a 100mm sand layer to be spread on top followed by the soil media. Plants from shrubs to trees create the lush landscaped gardens amidst abundant water features.
Extensive Green Roof
VersiDrain® 25P drainage and water retention trays were positioned on the RC rooftops of the clubhouse and two other buildings. A geotextile filter fabric laid over the trays enabled EnviroMix®, a primarily inorganic planting media, to be placed for planting of selected drought-tolerant plants that drape over the sides to form attractive skirts around the rooftops.