Seascape @ Sentosa

Seascape @ Sentosa


Sentosa, Singapore


To provide slope stabilisation for plant media confinement to enable planting on the mushroom-shaped roof over the gymnasium and also on the steep slope of another roof of the seafront condominium.


VersiDrain® 25P water retention and drainage trays, facilitating water retention and serving as a base drainage layer, were installed and blanketed over with a layer of geotextile fabric. VersiWeb® panels were then installed with anchoring to the roof facilitated by strong metal rods embedded in the concrete. The honeycombed cells of VersiWeb® contain and confine the planting media on which a carpet of Sedum is planted. VersiWeb® uniformly distributes weight-bearing loads and prevents planting media and plants from being dislodged and sliding down the sloping roofs. Perforations in the VersiWeb® cell walls facilitate inter-cell drainage, preventing hydrostatic build-up.


The resultant green roofs are not only aesthetically pleasing but are also an effective shield against harmful UV rays from the intense tropical sun. The crown of vegetation protects and prolongs the lifespan of the waterproofing membranes on the roofs and also keeps the interior living spaces beneath them cool and comfortable.

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Private Residences @ Cove Drive


Cove Drive, Sentosa – Singapore


To provide slope stabilisation for plant media confinement to enable planting on the pitched and horizontal rooftop of the seaside bungalow.


Water retention and a base drainage layer is provided by VersiDrain® 25P water retention and drainage trays. A geotextile filter fabric is then installed blanketing the water retention and drainage trays.



For added security and strength, VersiWeb® panels are installed straddling the horizontal rooftop and the steep slope of the concrete roof to be planted. The honeycombed cells of VersiWeb® contain and confine the planting media for the establishment of a refreshing crown of grass. VersiWeb® uniformly distributes weight-bearing loads and prevents planting media and the carpet of grass from being dislodged and sliding down the steep sloping roof. Perforations in the cell walls of VersiWeb® facilitate inter-cell drainage and prevent hydrostatic build-up.



Besides setting the bungalow apart from its immediate neighbours, the resultant green slopes are aesthetically pleasing and form an effective shield against the intense tropical sun, helping to protect and prolong lifespan of the waterproofing on the roof. The green roof also helps to keep interior living spaces cool and surrounding ambient temperatures down, mitigating UHIE.


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Rasa Sentosa Resort


Rasa Sentosa Resort, Singapore


To provide a modular green wall system to enable vertical greening, both along the front pavement corridor and at the lobby of the beachfront resort hotel.


A stainless steel framework is constructed to enable the green wall at the lobby to tower beyond the height of the wall beside the staircase spiraling from the basement to the lobby at ground level. To allow adequate time for plant establishment, Vertical Greening Modules (VGMs), comprising a geotextile bag filled with soil-less lightweight planting media were pre-planted in a nursery environment about 8 to 12 weeks prior to installation. Metal support brackets are attached to the VGMs on-site enabling the them to be easily and firmly anchored to pilasters secured to the steel framework or directly to the wall. The Elmich modular green wall system allows easy mounting and dismounting of individual VGMs for maintenance or replacement whenever necessary.


Automated drip irrigation and fertilisation systems were installed for each of the walls.


The inviting living wall at the front corridor greet guests and visitors as they arrive at the resort and the towering green wall at the lobby sets the mood for a refreshing stay at Singapore’s only beachfront resort.

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Marina Bay Financial Centre


Marina Bay Financial Centre, SIngapore


To provide strong and secure paver support to support heavy pre-cast concrete sections weighing up to 5 tonnes to be raised 900 mm off the base structure.


 Elmich Green Wall System, consisting of Vertical Greening Modules (VGMs) housing a geotextile bag containing soil-less lightweight planting media was specified for this project. Pre-planting of the VGMs was carried out at the nursery about 8 to 12 weeks before scheduled installation, allowing firm establishment and gradual vertical pre-orientation of specially selected indoor plants. On site, metal support brackets were attached to the modules to facilitate their mounting onto pilasters fastened to a steel framework.


A drip irrigation system is incorporated in the system and a drainage gully installed at the base of each wall to collect and channel excess water. Excess water is drained via a down pipe with connection to and linking the drainage gullies of all 8 levels.


Artificial lighting is provided above the walls to provide the plants with an adequate source of light to maintain healthy plant growth.


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McDonald’s Jurong Central Park


Jurong Central Park


To provide the Green Roof system to facilitate planting on the mushroom-shaped concrete pitch roof of the McDonald’s restaurant at Jurong Central Park.


The steep gradient of the mushroom-shaped roof necessitated metal restraining barriers to be installed before VersiDrain® 25P drainage and water retention trays, cut to fit the individual compartments created by the restrainers, were positioned. A filter fabric is laid over the trays and a lightweight and primarily inorganic planting media placed on top for the planting of a carpet of pearl grass.


A network of cells in VersiDrain® 25P act as little reservoirs to retain water which is returned, via capillary action, to the planting media during dry spells, maintaining a healthy carpet of green over the eye-catching roof of the restaurant.


An automated irrigation system was incorporated on the roof for use during the initial plant establishment and to deliver regular irrigation when necessary.


The result is a refreshing carpet of green which blends unobtrusively into the green environment of the park.

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One North Residences – Singapore


One North Residences – Singapore


To provide the Green Roof System to enable planting on the roof of the Club House beside the swimming pool of the condominium.


To prepare the concrete roof to be planted, VersiDrain® 25P, drainage and water retention trays, were placed over the roof and covered over with a filter fabric, enabling a lightweight and primarily inorganic planting media to be installed on the trays. Regular irrigation for the selected plants, mostly drought-tolerant Sedum, is supplied by the installation of an automated irrigation system.


The green roof forms a protective shield against the elements for the waterproofing membrane on the roof and also helps to keep the interior of the Club House cool. From their windows and balconies, residents at the condominium enjoy the view of a decorative green roof instead of exposed concrete which would have been in severe conflict with the cool water and wood elements of the pool area.


Both lightweight and easy to install, Elmich Green Roof is ideal for this roof.

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Bukit Timah Community Club


Bukit Timah Community Club – Singapore


To provide the Green Roof System to facilitate turfing on the rooftop of the Community Club and create additional amenity space.


A polyurethane separation sheet was laid directly over the waterproofing membrane followed by a geotextile layer as initial preparation for the concrete roof to be planted. This was followed by installation ofVersiDrain 25P, drainage and water retention trays, covered over with a filter fabric, on which regular planting media was placed and Pearl Grass planted. A water sprinkler system was installed to provide automated irrigation at each lawn section.


In addition to enhancing aesthetics and opening up amenity space, the green roof provides a protective shield that prolongs the lifespan of the waterproofing membrane. Thermal insulation afforded also helps to keep the interior space directly beneath comfortably cool and save long-term energy costs for air-conditioning. The green roof also keeps immediate surrounding ambient temperature down and Urban Heat Island effect in check.

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Collyer Quay


Collyer Quay, Singapore


To provide the Green Roof System to enable planting on the roof of the activity shed cum shelter at the pier.


Elmich Green Roof was chosen because it is light and easy to install.


VersiDrain® 25P, drainage and water retention trays, were installed on the roof and covered over with a filter fabric to enable a lightweight, primarily soil-less inorganic planting media to be installed on the trays. The plants used were carefully selected for their drought-tolerance and also for colour to create the flowing pattern on the roof.


An automated irrigation system was incorporated to aid in initial plant establishment and also for subsequent regular delivery of water for irrigation.


The green roof of the shed provides thermal insulation that keeps the activity space below cool. Additionally, the green roof enhances urban aesthetics, presenting guests from the adjacent hotel and occupants of neighbouring skyscrapers to enjoy the view of a soothing planted roof instead of an exposed hot concrete roof. Furthermore, in the highly urbanised context of the Marina Bay, the green roof helps to mitigate urban heat island effect and keep surrounding ambient temperature down.

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Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic


Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic – Singapore


To provide the Green Wall System to enable planting on both sides of a wall along the corridor of the Polyclinic’s reception area, one side facing the reception area in an indoor environment, and the other, facing the landscaped courtyard totaling 75 m2 , and a second green wall of 8 m2 at the courtyard on the 3rd floor.


Free-standing steel frameworks were constructed in between pillars along the reception area. Anchoring pilasters were then installed on both sides of the framework as well as on the pillars in between to enable the creation of a continuous green wall. At the 3rd floor, anchoring pilasters were installed directly onto the wall at the courtyard. VGMs, comprising a geotextile bag filled with soil-less lightweight planting media, were planted in a nursery environment 3 months before intended installation to ensure firm establishment of plants. Metal support frames were attached to the pre-planted VGMs on site, before mounting the modules onto the pilasters. Automated drip irrigation and fertilization systems were incorporated for both walls. The Elmich Green Wall system allows individual modules to be removed and remounted, making maintenance and replacement of modules and/or plants easy.

The green walls provide a pleasing and therapeutic green ambience for patients and visitors to the Polyclinic.

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One North Residences


One North Residences – Singapore


To provide a modular green wall system to enable vertical greening of 2 separate high walls totaling 50 m2 located at the 8th floor of the condominium.


Stainless steel parallel support beams were installed onto the walls on which anchoring pilasters were welded. To allow adequate time for plant establishment, Vertical Greening Modules (VGMs), comprising a geotextile bag filled with soil-less lightweight planting media were pre-planted in a nursery environment 3 months prior to installation. The VGMs were then encased in metal support frames on-site and mounted onto the pilasters, followed by an automated drip irrigation and fertilisation systems, and installed for each of the walls. The Elmich modular system allows easy removal and remounting of individual VGM for maintenance or replacement whenever necessary.

The green walls grace both sides of the area fronting the gymnasium and the lounge and recreational area and provide a pleasant cool ambience for residents.

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