The standards of raised flooring systems are constantly evolving alongside the environment and its architecture. As designers face construction challenges, expectations of the functions and features of these systems have elevated from simply being a raised floor installation.  Fundamentally, raised floor systems provide easy access to concealed services and facilitate surface drainage, and there is now a greater emphasis on their constructability, safety, and versatility in design layout.

VersiFrame® is a robust raised flooring substructure consisting of VersiJack® height-adjustable pedestals that support interconnected aluminium joists, creating a sturdy framework on which paving or outdoor floor decking is easily laid through an efficient and uncomplicated installation process.

VersiFrame® has greater stability compared to alternative raised flooring supports which are independently freestanding. Joist Adaptors lock pedestals securely to joists, connecting the system components and preventing pedestals from unintended movement. Other accessories also ensure that pavers and deck boards are compactly contained within and fixed onto the system.

Joist Adaptors connect VersiJack® pedestals to aluminium joists and restrict movement for high stability of the system


Conventional raised flooring supports made from wood or cement are easily susceptible to decay and deterioration over time, especially when exposed to the elements. As a robust support substructure that is built to last, VersiFrame® is made from materials that have high chemical, heat and water resistance, unaffected by moulds and algae and resistant to corrosion.

VersiFrame® Decking

VersiFrame® Decking is a superior alternative to cheap timber joists commonly used to support homogeneous reconstituted timber decking, outdoor WPC floor decking, and many more. As decked areas such as pools and balconies have high exposure to moisture, these timber joists are likely to decay, reducing the structural stability of the decking installation. VersiFrame® Decking is an excellent raised decking solution that effectively ensures surface drainage without structural compromise in decked areas with high runoff.

SnapClip™ fasteners separate adjacent grooved-edge deck boards while containing them within the system



VersiFrame® Paving


Joist Spacer Tabs separate adjacent pavers while containing them within the system (bottom left, bottom center)
Top Slope Correctors create level surfaces by compensating for gradients (bottom right)


When reinstalling pavers after the maintenance of concealed services underneath, inexperienced maintenance personnel may accidentally shift or incorrectly position freestanding pedestals. The support points for pavers weaken and the structural stability of the raised paving platform is compromised.

VersiFrame® Paving eliminates the issue of misaligned pedestals during paver reinstallation. VersiFrame® Paving securely connects its VersiJack® pedestals to the other components of the system, ensuring they will not be displaced during paver reinstallation. With the immovable substructure firmly fixed, pavers can be easily removed and replaced.

Pavers are removed when accessing concealed services and freestanding pedestals might get displaced (left)
VersiFrame® prevents unintended movement of its connected components during paver reinstallation (right)


With VersiFrame®’s versatility, unique or complex flooring design layouts can be realized. Creative arrangements of pavers and deck boards can be achieved, as well as the effortless integration of both applications in a single installation. It is complemented by a comprehensive list of accessories to accommodate installations of various requirements and is compatible with most conventional fixings, deck board profiles and pavers to fulfill the desired raised flooring design.

VersiFrame® integrated into unique layouts of pavers and deck boards



For a fixed, low-height system, see VF Paving Support Pad and VF Decking Support Pad.