Walsh Bay, Sydney Australia

Walsh Bay, Sydney Australia


Walsh Bay – Sydney, Australia


To provide turf stabilization for a large recreational area in close proximity to Australia’s famous landmark, the Sydney Bridge.


TurfPave® converts the entire area into a firm and stable permeable recreational area, able to withstand daily pedestrian traffic and visitors to the nearby landmark. TurfPave® ensures a healthy carpet of grass by preventing soil and grass root compaction.


As opposed to an impermeable surface which may be a contributing factor in UHIE, the turf covered area absorbs heat and glare, is aesthetically pleasing and assimilate unobtrusively into the park atmosphere. Its permeable surface is also an effective stormwater management solution.


The completed turf area can also permit access to emergency vehicles and fire engines when necessary.

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Sydney Academy of Sports, Sydney Australia


Sydney Academy of Sports – Narrabeen NSW Australia


To provide a stabilized overflow parking turfed area able to withstand high vehicle usage during week-ends and sports competitions.


TurfPave positioned onto a mixture of compacted washed river sand and soil, infilled with sandy soil and planted with kikuyu turf rolls effectively stabilizes turf for overflow car parking. The large 4,500 m² stabilized area produces an aesthetically pleasing environment and allows rain and irrigation water to infiltrate, as opposed to run-off, associated with impermeable surfaces such as bitumen and concrete

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Republic Polytechnic


Republic Polytechnic – Singapore


To provide turf stabilization along walkways capable of being subjected to high student traffic flow from the 12,000 strong student population of the Polytechnic.


TurfPave XD positioned onto compacted sand over a sub-soil drainage cell base layer and infilled with planting media provides a stable and firm substrate for turf establishment. The installed walkways are green and aesthetically pleasing and can withstand constant daily pedestrian traffic. Rainwater infiltrates into the compacted base below and discharged via the drainage cell layer as opposed to impermeable walkways that result in run-off and associated management problems.

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Sydney Olympic Village, Sydney Australia


Sydney Olympic Village – Sydney NSW. Australia


To provide turf stabilization for pedestrian walkways and service driveways at the Sydney Olympic Village.


TurfPave XD effectively stabilized turf on high use pedestrian walkways and service road areas. 15,000 athletes used the area as a meeting place during the duration of the 2000 Olympics. TurfPave continues to stabilize the area that is used as a recreational venue by local residents.

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Whitsundays Airlie Beach, Queensland Australia


Airlie Beach, Whitsundays – Queensland, Australia


To provide a stabilized turfed boat access ramp able to withstand the weight of canoes, boats and vehicles in a high rainfall tropical environment.


TurfPave XD positioned onto a compacted gravel base, infilled with a sandy soil mix and planted with salt tolerant paspalum stabilizes boat access ramp areas allowing the effective delivery of boats to a high use recreational area.

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Pasir Ris Park


Pasir Ris Park – Singapore


To provide slope stabilisation for plant media on green roofs at the Park.


Drainage and water retention trays were first installed blanketing the entire roof. This is followed by a layer of geotextile and then VersiWeb. The honeycombed cells of VersiWeb are used to contain and confine lightweight planting media on which drought tolerant plants are installed. VersiWeb uniformly distributes weight-bearing loads and prevents planting media and plants from being dislodged and sliding down the sloping roof.

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Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Downtown Line Stage II Train Depot


Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Downtown Line Stage II Train Depot – Singapore


To provide long-term erosion control by use of slope stabilisation to stabilize and protect the immense slopes totalling about 163,000 m2 at the Depot site.


Slopes to be stabilized, divided into tiers (up to 4 tiers on some slopes) and sections, were excavated, compacted and covered with a layer of geotextile. VersiWeb panels were then installed over the geotextile and held secure over the sloping ground with J-peg anchors at regular intervals. VersiWeb uniformly distributes weight-bearing load and resists downward and lateral pressure and movement. Drainage between cells is facilitated by perforations on the cell walls which also prevent the build-up of hydrostatic pressure. The large perforations also allow unrestricted grass runner and root growth. Erosion is controlled by restricting movement of infill within the individual honeycombed cells. The cells are filled with planting soil and the stabilized slopes planted over with a carpet of grass.

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Capella Hotel Sentosa


Capella Hotel, Sentosa – Singapore


To provide slope stabilisation to stabilize and protect numerous slopes throughout the hotel grounds.


Slopes to be stabilized were compacted and VersiWeb installed over a layer of geotextile using J-peg anchors and individual abutting panels secured by steel wires. VersiWeb conforms to the various terrain profiles of each individual slope and uniformly distributes weight-bearing loads. Perforations on the web walls facilitate and enhance drainage preventing build-up of hydrostatic pressure and erosion is controlled by restricting movement of infill within each cell. Planting soil was installed and the slopes planted with various landscape plants forming a lush multi-level landscaped garden in the hotel grounds.

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Bishopsgate Private Residence


Private residence at Bishopsgate – Singapore


To provide a slope stabilisation to stabilize and protect steep slopes of between 40o and 70o fronting the residential house.


The steep slopes were compacted and covered with geotextile. 4 consecutive layers of VersiWeb were installed on the steep 70o slope. VersiWeb panels were anchored onto the slope at appropriate intervals with J-pegs with longer 5-foot J-pegs used to secure the apex. Individual panels were secured together with steel wires where they abut. Each individual layer was covered with infill and compacted before installing the next. Installed in layers VersiWeb forms an integrated structural mass that resists downward and lateral pressure and movement. A final layer of VersiWeb panels were installed over the entire slope encompassing both the 70o side and 40o front slopes. Planting soil was then installed and carpet grass planted on the stabilized slopes.

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Minter Ellison, Canberra Australia


Minter Ellison Building – Canberra ACT Australia


To provide efficient high compressive strength drainage on a high retaining basement walls.


VersiCell protected the waterproofing membrane on large basement walls, easily withstood high back-filling loads and provides efficient drainage on basement and retaining walls.

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