The Orchard Residences

The Orchard Residences


Orchard Boulevard, Singapore


To provide pedestal supports for installation of large marble pavers at the balcony of the penthouse and enable services there to be concealed.


Height adjustable in progressive 1mm stepped increments, SpiraPave® pedestals are easy to install by simply turning its two component halves. With high compressive strength, SpiraPave® is more than able to support the large and heavy marble pavers at the balcony.


Spacer Tabs attached to the pedestals ensure that a constant gap between pavers is maintained. The gaps allow water to freely drain away, keeping the balcony safe and dry at all times. Slope correctors attached to the pedestals enable all the pavers laid to be perfectly level even though the floor area immediately in front of the balcony rails is sloping.


Unsightly miscellaneous services, like electrical wiring and water discharge pipes from air-conditioners, are concealed beneath the raised pavers.
The large paved balcony becomes the ideal place to escape and unwind at the end of the day, overlooking yet away from the hustle and bustle of the street below.


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Solaris @ Fusionopolis


Fushionopolis Walk, SIngapore


To provide the Landscape Roof system for planting the perimeter landscaped ramp, sky terraces and rooftop of the building to create recreational space and also offer protection for the waterproofing membrane and assist in the collection of rainwater for recycling.


About 10,000 sq m of VersiCell® drainage modules placed directly over the waterproofing membrane of the planted areas, provide the drainage cavity beneath a geotextile filter fabric layer and the planting soil above. It prevents the roof from becoming waterlogged and ponding after heavy rain. The drainage modules also provide a protection for the waterproofing membrane, prolonging its serviceable life.
The sum of the vegetated areas of this building exceeds the footprint of the site on which it sits. The uninterrupted 1.5 kilometer long spiral ramp, with a minimum width of 3 m, runs from ground level all the way up to the rooftop, expanding into spacious sky terraces as it rounds each corner of the building. These skyrise green spaces create areas for relaxation and event spaces and allow occupants of the building to interact with and experience nature.
Water discharging from the sub-surface drainage modules is channeled to drainage downpipes at the perimeter ramp and also the roof via siphonic drainage and stored in tanks. A storage capacity of over 700 m3 allows for over five days of irrigation of the building’s extensive landscaped areas via recycled water between rainfalls
Solaris was awarded the Green Mark Platinum rating, the highest level of certification granted by BCA’s Green Mark, Singapore’s sustainable building benchmark.

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The Sanctuary


Singapore Polytechnic


To provide the Green Roof System for green roof installation over a shelter which forms the centre show-piece at “The Sanctuary” and also the ramp beside the spiral staircase leading up to the roof top of the shelter.


VersiDrain® 25P, drainage and water retention trays, were laid directly over the waterproofing membrane on both the shelter roof top and the ramp beside the spiral staircase. Geotextile filter fabric was blanketed over the VersiDrain® 25P to allow a lightweight and primarily inorganic planting media to be spread over the top of the trays to enable planting. An automated irrigation system was installed to supply regular irrigation for the selected plants, pearl grass, and flowering Ruselia skirting the perimeter of the roof.

The shelter provides a serene retreat and refuge amidst the bustling campus for students and staff who frequent “The Sanctuary” at the Singapore Polytechnic. Elmich Green Roof keeps the area beneath the shelter cool and comfortable. It also brings people close to nature in line with the Polytechnic’s green campus initiative and demonstrates to the school community and visitors how such a green roof can contribute to at-source stormwater management by offering filtration and reduction of peak flows during heavy rainfall and also mitigate urban heat island effect.

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Ecoasis @ Singapore Polytechnic


Singapore Polytechnic


To provide an underground tank facility for collection, filtration, retention, and recycling of rain water that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing at the “Ecoasis”.


A pit was excavated according to project requirements to accommodate VersiTank® to be installed in two layers. The base of the pit was compacted and leveled with a layer of coarse sand and an impermeable HDPE liner installed to form a retention tank. An outlet pipe leading to a sump was inserted just above the pit base. An overflow outlet leading to a discharge drain and a pump linked to a conveniently positioned tap are located in the sump.

Assembled VersiTank® units were positioned in two layers within the tank and completely enveloped with permeable geotextile fabric overlapped by 200 mm where they connect. The geotextile was topped with 200 mm of coarse sand and decorative pebble rocks spread on top. Planting at the periphery of the tank completed the installation.

The rainwater harvesting facility provided by this VersiTank® installation demonstrates how the twin concepts of Sustainable Building and Sustainable Living are put into practice by this educational institution – improving its water efficiency by providing water for irrigation and general washing and contributing to stormwater management by offering filtration at source and also helping to reduce peak flows during heavy rainfall.


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Soleil @ Sinaran


Novena, SIngapore


To provide the Green Roof System to facilitate the establishment of extensive green roofs totaling 1150 sq m on the RC rooftops of 8 entertainment pavilions and 2 spa pavilions of the condominium.


The Elmich Green Roof system is ideally suited for the installation of the 10 rooftops, being both lightweight and easy to install. VersiDrain 25P®, drainage and water retention trays, were placed on the roof directly over the waterproofing membrane and then covered over with a filter fabric. A lightweight and primarily inorganic planting medium is spread on top and an automated irrigation system installed.


The main plants used consist of selected drought-tolerant carpeting plants like Sedum Sarmentosum, Tradescantia SP and Portulaca Grandiflora, Vernonia Elliptica which hang over the edge of the roofs to form shady fringes, and Pennisetum Rubrum, Neomarica Gracillis, Crinum Xanthophyllum and Lecophyllum Frutescen providing the relief at the corners and centre of the roofs.


The green roofs effectively keep temperatures of the activity space beneath them comfortably cool even at the height of intense heat from the sun at noon. Additionally, the fringe formed by plants hanging over from the edge of the roofs, keep glare and harsh sunrays from the sides of the pavilions to the minimum. Refreshingly visible from the condominium’s twin towers, they present a resort-like ambiance and help the development achieve its sustainability goals as well as attain the BCA Green Mark Gold Award.

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The Java, Hong Kong


The Java, Hong Kong


To provide the Green Wall System to enable the creation of a 30 m by 1.8 m living wall at the 4th floor podium of the prestigious Hong Kong residential project.


Nine free-standing steel framework panels framed by grand marble borders were constructed for the creation of the 30 m by 1.8 m Green Wall. Vertical Green Modules (VGM), each comprising a geotextile bag filled with soil-less lightweight planting media were planted in a nursery environment 3 months before intended installation to ensure firm establishment and progressively tilted, from horizontal to vertical, to allow orientation of the plants. An automated drip irrigation and fertilization system was incorporated for all the panels. The system allows individual modules to be removed and remounted, making maintenance and replacement of modules and/or plants easy.
Elmich VGM® Green Wall system in combination with careful selection of plant species, the right dose of sunlight, water and nutrients produced a refreshing living wall in the highly urbanised city of Hong Kong and is the treasure of residents at The Java and the envy of visitors and residents of overlooking neighbouring blocks.


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B&B Italia Showroom @ SPACE


B&B Italia Showroom @ SPACE, Singapore


To provide the Modular Green Wall system for the installation of a 45 m2 living wall to form the green backdrop at the courtyard within the showroom.


The living wall spanning the entire back of the courtyard (rising 6m high and 6.9m wide), was installed using the modular Elmich VGM Green Wall system. The modular box system and the use of inorganic planting media, both clean and easy to install, make it the ideal living wall system for installation within the confines of the posh showroom showcasing high-end furniture. Natural light from the light-well supported by artificial lighting installed at the glassed ceiling of the courtyard supply the light source necessary to sustain healthy plant growth.
Though indoors within the showroom, the feel and ambiance created by the living wall, provides the ideal green outdoor atmosphere for the display of the luxurious outdoor furniture. From the windows of the 2nd level of the showroom, patrons and visitors to the showroom are presented with an unobstructed view of the furniture on display in the courtyard below and also the entire living wall from top to bottom.

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Rendezvous Hotel




To provide the Modular Green Wall system for the installation of a 85 m2 Green Wall on the 35.4 m long wave-like RC wall fronting the main lobby of the Hotel, as part of its major upgrading and renovations.


The modular Elmich VGM Green Wall system was installed on the RC wall erected along the driveway fronting the main lobby of the Hotel. The 2.4m high wall serves to conceal the driveway leading to the Hotel’s underground car park on the other side of the wall. To account for the wall’s slightly meandering design, pilasters were spaced accordingly to allow mounting of the modular VGM modules along the wave-like curves of the 35.4m long wall. As the curves are very gentle, the slightly wider gaps between vertical rows of modules along the convex portions of the wall do not pose a problem as they are soon covered up when the plants are established.


The refreshing living wall serves as a welcome and invitation to guests of the Hotel from all over the world to discover the hotel’s new and exciting facilities after its extensive makeover.

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UTown Education Resource Centre


University Town, National University of Singapore


To provide both intensive and extensive roof systems to enable the establishment of an accessible landscape roof at the lower deck and an inaccessible extensive green roof at the upper deck on the roof of the Education Resource Centre of University Town.


 Landscape Roof, Sub-surface Drainage
VersiCell® drainage modules were installed directly on the waterproofing membrane to provide a drainage cavity beneath a geotextile filter fabric layer and the planting soil above. VersiCell® with high internal void and an open surface design is able to rapidly capture and transport excess water, preventing the green areas on the roof from becoming waterlogged. The drainage modules also provide a protection layer for the waterproofing membrane, prolonging its serviceable life.
Extensive Green Roof
VersiDrain® 25P drainage and water retention trays were installed directly over the waterproofing membrane. Geotextile filter fabric was then laid over the VersiDrain® 25P trays and a lightweight inorganic planting media, EnviroMix® GR, spread on top for in-situ planting of various selected drought-tolerant plant species arranged in attractive patterns. Water retained by the water reservoirs of the trays during wet periods is returned to the planting media by capillary action during dry spells and drawn upon by the plants to sustain vigorous and healthy growth
From their windows, students residing in the nearby Graduate Residences enjoy a refreshing, cool and aesthetically pleasing layered green roof instead of otherwise bare concrete roofs.

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National University Health System (Tower Block)


National University Health System, Singapore


To provide the Green Wall System to enable planting on the wall at consecutive levels, from the 2nd storey up to the 4th storey, at the centre atrium of the multi-storey car park of the tower block.


A steel framework was erected incorporating a “swing-door” system that allows pairs of adjacent vertical panels of VGM® Planting modules to open/swing inwards. This enables accessibility to the living wall from the narrow corridor behind it, eliminating the need for erection of scaffolding to enable access to the face of the high 5-storey wall whenever maintenance is required. The ability of the panels to swing like a door, not only offers enhanced safety but is also cost effective for the long term maintenance of the high living wall.


Each VGM® Planting Module contains a geotextile bag filled with soil-less lightweight planting media. Modules were pre-planted in a nursery environment 3 months prior to installation for firm establishment and vertical orientation of the selected green wall plants to take place. On site, each module was reinforced with steel brackets and the corners bolted directly to the framework. An irrigation system was incorporated with its piping configured to allow the swing action of the hinged panels.


The mural-like living wall, “painting” the consecutive walls from the 2nd storey to the 5th storey of the car park, presents a pleasing and therapeutic welcome for patients and visitors to the building.

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