Forest Lodge ECO House, Sydney Australia

Forest Lodge ECO House, Sydney Australia


Sydney, Australia


To provide the Green Roof System to enable planting on the roof of the house


The green roof system was placed on a structural concrete rooftop slab. VersiDrain® 25P, drainage and water retention trays, were installed on the roof and covered over with a geotextile fabric to enable a lightweight, nutrient rich formulated soil medium (by Code Green) with a maximum of 2.5 inch thick to be installed on the trays. The plants were propagated off site prior to the commencement of the construction allowing the plants to grow during this period. Various grasses, Sedums, Delospermas, and other succulents were hand planted on the roof, which is un-irrigated.

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Commonwealth Secondary School


698 West Coast Road, Singapore


To provide green wall system for installation of two green walls


VGP Mounting Panels were installed onto two walls to facilitate mounting of VGP Trays, from floor to ceiling, two-storey high, at the main entrance hallway of the school and on a lower wall fronting the school’s assembly area. The mounting panel at the bottom right was installed first followed by the other panels of the bottommost row systematically from right to left. Subsequent panel rows follow above in the same sequential order. An automated irrigation system, consisting of a network of tubing and a control panel, was installed to supply irrigation to the individual trays at programmed intervals for pre-set durations.
VGP Trays were planted in-situ with selected pre-grown plants and hung 12 trays to a panel to create a dense and lush wall of plants instantly. Anti-lift arms were inserted into individual trays to prevent inadvertent dislodgment of the VGP Trays from their mounting points. The drainage outlets of the bottommost row of trays were connected to a horizontal base tube to allow excess water to be discharged without wetting the immediate area beneath the green walls.
The lush eye-pleasing green walls become instant living educational tools. They enable students of the school to learn that, for a very small ground level footprint, green walls are able to provide many benefits. They contribute to environmental sustainability, enhance aesthetics, improve health and wellbeing by providing a source of stress relief and escape from the demands of urban living. In the specific context of the school, these green walls offer an environment conducive to learning.

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Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, Brisbane Australia


Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


To provide the green wall system to establish vertical greenery
To provide the green roof system to establish greenery on sloping roof
To provide pedestal support for installation of pavers


VersiWall® GM
Twelve free-standing metal framework structures were erected for pilasters to be secured for VGM modules to be anchored such that vertical greenery is possible all around the framework. Pre-planting of the VGM Modules in a nursery environment allowed selected plants to establish and be appropriately orientated prior to installation, creating lush green walls almost instantly at the hospital project at time of installation.</p>
Both the pitch roof and its retaining wall at the edge were also greened with the VGM system. Anchoring pilasters were installed directly onto the pitch roof and the wall for pre-planted VGM Modules to securely anchor. The completed installation turned the pitch roof and wall from what would have been bare, ordinary and unattractive building features into eye-pleasing and therapeutic green roofs and vertical gardens.
A total of 1630 VGM modules were used for this construction.
The skyrise greenery reflects contemporary research that highlights the significant influence greenery and nature in the built environment has on health and wellbeing, especially beneficial in the setting of the children’s hospital.


11,000 VersiJack pedestals were installed to support expansive raised paver areas in the hospital grounds. Spacer Tabs and Slope Correctors used on the pedestals enabled consistent gaps between pavers to be maintained and allowed compensation for any slope to fall for drainage on the installation surfaces respectively.
Height extensions and minor adjustments were easily achieved by adding extenders and by screw adjustment of the pedestals, and desired heights locked down with the pedestals’ integrated locking rings. The void created beneath the paver platforms allowed miscellaneous services to be hidden.


The vertical greenery, sloping green roof and raised paver areas of the hospital form a protective and insulating shield that helps to cool the hospital building. Not only eye-pleasing, the vertical and rooftop greenery help to reduce the carbon footprint of the hospital, assist in at-source stormwater management, mitigate urban heat island effect, whilst at the same time also creating a therapeutic green and healing green environment for the patients and staff of the hospital and visitors to enjoy.

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Epiphyte Living Wall at HortPark


HortPark – Singapore


To provide green wall system to enable planting on a high free-standing concrete wall


40 VersiWall® GP (VGP) Mounting Panels were installed onto the 20 sq m wall, 5 panels high and 8 panels wide, according to the pre-determined design. The Mounting Panels facilitate easy mounting of 480 VGP Trays. To enable the overlapping perimeter flanges of individual Mounting Panels to easily align and overlap, the mounting panel at the bottom right was installed first followed by the other panels of the bottommost row systematically from right to left. The same sequential order is maintained for the subsequent panel rows that follow above the initial row.

An automated irrigation system was incorporated. The system consists of a control panel, 4 sprinklers and a network of tubing that will deliver irrigation and nutrients to the plants in the individual trays on the wall at programmed intervals for pre-set durations with the aid of a control panel.


The wall is divided into two sections, the top with 4 panel rows and the bottom with a single panel row. Each section has a fiberglass collection tray positioned at the base (below the bottommost tray row) to collect and discharge excess irrigation water.


Short lengths of tubing were connected to the drainage outlets of the bottommost row of trays of each section of the wall. The ends of these tubes are directed to the collection trays so that excess water flows into the trays before final discharge. The collection trays are filled with pebbles to prevent breeding of mosquitoes if the trays should pond.


The VGP Trays were pre-planted in a nursery environment with the selected pre-grown epiphytes. The epiphytic plants include vines (Rhaphidophora tetrasperma and Monstera deliciosa); creepers (Hoya Carnosa Compacta, Hoya obovata, and Rhaphidophora korthalsii); orchids (Vanilla planifolia and Vanda Miss Joaquim); ferns (Nephrolepis Spp, Adiantum SPP (Maidenhair), Polypodium, and Davallia denticulata); and an epiphytic cactus (Epiphylum oxypetalum).


The planted VGP Trays were hung 12 trays to a panel, to instantly create a dense wall of epiphytic plants. To prevent inadvertent dislodgment of the VGP Trays from their mounting points, Anti-lift Arms were inserted into each individual tray on the wall.

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Ngee Ann Polytechnic – School of Design & Environment


535 Clementi Rd, Singapore


To provide green wall system to install two living walls


A metal framework for welded mesh to be secured was positioned vertically for each of the green walls and a maintenance corridor created by positioning the framework a distance away from the actual wall. The welded mesh enables each VGP Tray to be firmly anchored using four of the tray’s six anchor hooks.

With the convenient maintenance corridor, tubing for the irrigation system are installed unobtrusively at the back of the wall. Incorporation of an automated irrigation system with an integrated control panel enables delivery of irrigation water and fertilizer to the plants of the green walls at pre-set times and programmed durations.


Simple transportation mesh racks on casters enable trays, pre-planted off-site with selected green wall plants, to be easily transported. At the installation site the trays are anchored, according to a pre-determined design, onto the welded mesh to create the living wall. Thereafter, insertion of Anti-Lift Arms locks individual VGP Trays securely to the mesh, preventing inadvertent dislodgement of the trays.


The two VGP green walls totaling 95 sq m installed on the walls at the building exterior and interior courtyard of the School stand in testimony as to how functional aesthetics and a solution to enhance environmental sustainability can both be achieved at the cost of only a low ground level footprint.

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Spa@Pagoda Street


Pagoda Street, Singapore


To provide green wall system for installation of green wall


Mounting of the VGP Trays was made quick and easy by installation of proprietary VGP Mounting Panels which allow close mounting of up to 12 VGP trays per panel. A network of irrigation tubing was installed to automatically deliver water and fertilizer to the plants on the green wall at pre-set times for pre-determined durations, ensuring their sustained growth.

The VGP Trays were planted in-situ with selected lush pre-grown plants and hung at the maximum 12 trays to a panel to achieve a full lush green wall in the spa instantly. Anti-lift arms were inserted into individual trays to prevent inadvertent dislodgment of the VGP Trays from their mounting points.


The VGP Green Wall stands two-storey tall on the wall of the courtyard at the centre of the spa, visibly conspicuous through open wooden louvered windows from 3 sides. The VGP Green Wall brings a sense of peace and tranquility of a garden into the spa, complementing the spa’s therapeutic and serene ambience, helping to relieve tired minds and bodies and soothing stresses.

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DTZ Office at Technopark@Chai Chee


Technopark@Chai Chee, Singapore


To provide green wall system to install living walls in an office


The easy to install and significantly mess-free VGP Green Wall system is the ideal system for the installation of living walls in an office. Selected green wall plants were planted off-site into the VGP Trays. This then enabled the planted trays hung onto simple mesh racks to be easily transported to site, avoiding mess from media spills associated with in-situ planting on site.

The pre-planted trays were then mounted according to a pre-determined design and pattern onto VGP proprietary mounting panels installed from floor-to-ceiling at the reception and on three pillar columns, each on two sides, in the open-plan work area of the office.


In addition to firm anchorage with 3 pairs of hooks, Anti-Lift Arms inserted into the individual VGP Trays lock them securely to the mounting panels, effectively preventing inadvertent dislodgement of the trays. A drainage tube installed to connect the water discharge outlets of the bottommost row of trays channel excess water away, and keep the immediate area beneath the green walls dry.


The VGP Green Walls enliven the office environment and are a source of relaxation and stress relief, for the occupants as well as visiting guests, clients and customers.

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Orchard Gateway


218 Orchard Road, Singapore


To provide pedestal system for installation of decking at E-Deck and sky terraces and installation of pavers over a water feature.
To provide sub-surface drainage system in planter boxes for Intensive Green Roof application.
To provide root-resistant waterproofing in planter boxes.


Over 10,000 VersiJack® pedestals support the bearers beneath wooden panels for the installation of extensive wooden decked areas at the 10th and 19th levels of the building. Slope Correctors were used to allow adjustments up to 5% to ensure that a level paver and decking surface is maintained throughout. The void under the raised decked areas allow essential services to be unobtrusively hidden and assist surface water to drain quickly away whilst at the same time reduce heat transfer from the decked surfaces to the roof.
VersiJack® pedestals also support pavers for the installation of a water feature at the Sommerset entrance to the premises. The gaps, created by using Spacer Tabs on the pedestals, between the pavers facilitate drainage of water from the pavers back into the water feature.


VersiCell® sub-surface drainage modules totalling more than 1,000 sq m were installed directly over the Evalon® waterproofing membrane in the planter boxes of the E-Deck and sky terraces. They provide a void beneath planting media to enable expeditious transport of excess water to drainage outlets and prevent waterlogging. A non-woven geotextile filter fabric placed over the VersiCell® allowed a 100mm sand layer to be spread on top followed by the soil media for planting.
In the densely built environment of Orchard Road, the over 1,000 sq m of skyrise greenery form a living barrier that helps to shield and reduce heat absorption by the building. This lowers temperature within the building as well as the ambient temperature of the building’s immediate surroundings. In addition to subsequently reducing energy consumption for air-conditioning and helping to mitigate negative impact brought about by the heat island phenomenon, the skyrise greenery also performs a vital urban stormwater management role.


Waterproofing protection in the planter boxes was provided by nearly 6,000 sq m of a root-resistant fully adhered layer of Evalon® V PVC/EVA terpolymer membrane ideally suited for intensive and extensive green roof application.

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Private Residence @ The Interlace


Block 210 Depot Road, Singapore


To provide green wall system for installation of green wall at basement courtyard 


Proprietary Mounting Panels of the VersiWall® GP (VGP) 2060 green wall system were bolted directly to the wall to enable easy mounting of VGP Trays. The panels were installed from right to left starting from the bottom row in sequential order.

An automated irrigation system was installed to provide delivery of water and fertilizer at pre-determined times for pre-programmed durations.  The irrigation is divided into two zones.  The upper zone supplies irrigation from top of the wall to the halfway point on the wall and the other from halfway point to the bottommost row of trays of the wall. Excess water is discharged through the drainage outlets of the bottommost row of trays connected to a larger pipe laid below the wall. This keeps the immediate vicinity of the green wall dry.

VGP Trays were pre-planted off-site and delivered to site using transporting racks comprised of welded wire mesh tied to an A-frame.   The planted trays were anchored to the mounting panels from right to left starting from the bottom row, a sequence which allows easy close planting and is most systematic and efficient.  Plant palette provided by a selection of suitable plants created a pleasant design on the wall.  Anti-lift Arms were inserted to prevent inadvertent dislodgement of the trays from the wall.

Refreshing and eye-pleasing, the wall of living plants provides the elements of tranquility, peace and quiet, creating the quintessential ambience for respite and to unwind from events of the day when the occupants of the apartment return.

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To provide turf stabilisation along fire engine access way
To provide sub-surface drainage in planter boxes
To provide water retention and drainage on extensive green roof


Turf Stabilisation
TurfPave® XD positioned onto compacted sand laid over the compacted substrate of the path created to provide fire engine access way. Infilled with a sandy soil mix TurfPave® XD provides a stable and firm substrate for turf establishment along the access way. When not in use as an access way for fire-fighting operations or emergency purposes, the access pathway remains green and aesthetically pleasing and can withstand constant daily pedestrian traffic.
Rainwater readily infiltrates into the compacted sand base below and then slowly into the substrate before eventual discharge into the local drainage system. An impermeable access way, like an asphalt road on the other hand, will not allow run-off to infiltrate and thus contribute to run-off volumes and stormwater management problems.


Landscape Roof / Sub-surface Drainage
VersiCell® sub-surface drainage modules were installed to line the interior of planter boxes, at the base and also the sides, to provide a void beneath planting media to enable expeditious transport of excess water to drainage outlets to prevent waterlogging. A non-woven geotextile filter fabric over the drainage modules form a filter separation layer that allowed a 100mm sand layer to be spread on top followed by the soil media. Plants from shrubs to trees create the lush landscaped gardens amidst abundant water features.


Extensive Green Roof
VersiDrain® 25P drainage and water retention trays were positioned on the RC rooftops of the clubhouse and two other buildings. A geotextile filter fabric laid over the trays enabled EnviroMix®, a primarily inorganic planting media, to be placed for planting of selected drought-tolerant plants that drape over the sides to form attractive skirts around the rooftops.


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