Block 28 Dover Crescent’s rooftop is home to a transformed community garden themed “Petals, Greens & Friends”.

Breakdown of Garden Structures (Designer’s Comments)
To replicate the idea of a self-watering pot, we built a 100 mm deep water reservoir using Euraplan® (waterproofing membrane) at the base. Three layers of VersiDrain® 30 (each 30 mm thick) were then laid on top of the reservoir to support the planting soil above. Geotextile fabric was installed at the base and along the sides to prevent loss of soil during watering. Planting soil was then placed inside to complete the re-purposed system.

We established a two-meter-high tower for the creeper plants by vertically stacking and interlocking VersiTank® 555 modules with stainless steel wires. The VersiTank® 555 modules at the keeps of the towers was cut at specific areas to allow access for gardeners to the planting soil. The VersiTank® 555 modules at the base of the tower were filled with soil for stability as it acts as a gravitational counterweight for the tower.

We used the smaller and lighter VersiTank® 553 modules to construct an arch between the towers. For structural stability and safety, we added two 25 x 25 mm aluminium square hollow sections spanning through the arch sections and supported on the towers.

“VersiPlanter” (Raised)
We were able to construct raised planters of varying heights, just by stacking the MEP® Tray on a VersiTank® 553 and onto the “VersiPlanter” structure.

“Vertical Planter”
By installing the purpose-made aluminium carrier bars on the sides of the planters, vertical planter pots could be added to the garden.
Concluding Remarks:
VersiTank® is a heavy duty plastic module that allows for either sub-surface infiltration or onsite storage tank. It was easy to assemble the VersiTank® modules as no special tools were required. We were able to create various heights and configurations with the VersiTank® modules with ease. The re-purposed system is very simple to assemble. Different structures, vertical planter pots and trays can be combined to create a wide variety of designs. When building this system, stability, durability, and safety must all be taken into consideration.
Project Credits
Designer & Installer:
Telok Blangah Dover Crescent RN
VersiTank®, VersiDrain®, MEP® Tray, Euraplan® Supplier:
Elmich Pte Ltd
About VersiTank®

VersiTank®, made from recycled polypropylene material, is a high strength and lightweight interlocking sub-surface stormwater infiltration or storage tank which allows water to be discharged into the surrounding soil or via controlled release to connected stormwater pipes or when enveloped in an impervious membrane allows retention or temporary storage of stormwater for re-use or release. It is an efficient and cost-effective alternative to conventional methods for stormwater management. Maximum stability afforded by the ability to interlock both vertically and horizontally and together with high compressive strength allows it to be used beneath trafficable areas. For further information on VersiTank® and other products and services offered by ELMICH, please contact:
15 Joan Road
Singapore 298899
Phone: +65 6356 2800
Fax: + 65 6353 2800
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