Everyone who works at Elmich is driven by one singular passion – enhancing lives for you and future generations.

Our dedicated staffs have successfully demonstrated to industry professionals throughout the 5-day exposition on how our trusted solutions will enhance their urban experience.

At the 20th Phillippine World Building & Construction Exposition, we were able to witness exhibitors and participants from different aspects of the industry united at this one single venue.

Showcasing EVALON®, a homogeneous ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) terpolymer thermoplastic waterproofing membrane and the functionalities of being resistant to hurricane (up to category 5) and many other fantastic features, participants and visitors were in awe.

Elmich’s family of pedestals was also exhibited at our booth. Curious onlookers were impressed to find out that these new generation pedestals engineered by yours truly are able to provide a versatile and cost-effective solution to support raised pavers and timber decking in an eco-friendly way.

Here are some photos in case you have missed it:

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