We have studied and observed how the urban landscape has drastically evolved over the last 30 years. Despite being on a continuous journey of decarbonisation, it is worrisome to witness the constantly shifting climate and environmental risks that threaten both our greenery and human existence.
At the start of 2024, we brought together our Singapore and Malaysia management, sales and operations teams for a full-day training session with Eco-Business – Asia Pacific’s leading sustainability and ESG intelligence platform. The session allowed for the sharing and open discussions on sustainability issues, key concepts, latest trends, developments, drivers and strategies for long-term sustainability stewardship.
While accelerating our business growth, Elmich will continue to:
- Make environmentally responsible decisions
- Innovate and develop nature-based solutions
- Adopt a circular economy approach
- Collaborate with the construction industry to build climate resilient cities for a net-zero future
Find out more about our green initiatives: Towards A Greener Future
View all our CSR activities here.