Universal Studios Singapore, the region’s only world-class movie theme park, celebrated its grand opening on 28 May 2011. The red carpet event was graced by famous Hollywood and Asian celebrities including Jet Li, Maggie Cheung, Vicki Zhao and Paula Abdul.


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Unseen by the celebrities and most visitors to the park, a green carpet is rolled out everyday on the rooftops of the park, celebrating each day and welcoming everyone. Thirty-five thousand square metres of green roofs exhibit the park’s firm commitment to energy conservation and responsible environmental stewardship amidst the glitz and glamour, make-believe world of the movies, and roller-coaster rides.


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Elmich is proud to be the provider of the green roof system which enabled planting on both the low-slope reinforced concrete and sloped Corus Kalzip profiled metal roofs of the theme park and join in congratulating Universal Studios Singapore on its Grand Opening.


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