New and existing housing developments, including condominiums like The Estuary, the Silversea and Belysal, can satisfy the requirements of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) Fire Code to provide unobstructed accessways for passage of firefighting appliances, such as fire engines and other rescue and emergency vehicles, without need to compromise green space.
By using TurfPave® grass pavers, which have the ability to withstand high compressive loads and also possess specific features that support turf establishment, these developments are able to merge and assimilate the minimum mandated six-metre wide access ways and any prescribed turning facilities to accommodate the U-turn radii of firefighting appliances into their individual landscaping.
Use of TurfPave® grass pavers for the creation of the passageways, to make provision for space around buildings to enable effective mounting of rescue and external firefighting operations, allow these access ways to remain substantially green and eliminate the need to create additional impervious roads.
In addition to immediate aesthetic benefits, keeping these access ways green and water permeable also helps to mitigate and reduce potential risk and impact to the environment from excessive stormwater run-off leaving the developments.