Elmich’s New SMART BlueGreen Roof™ System was unveiled at Architecture & Building Services International Exhibition. The system was featured on the Morning Newspaper.

Article Translated to English:
Landscape engineering company Elmich in collaboration with Singapore Polytechnic unveiled the latest SMART BlueGreen Roof™ System for rainwater management which is easy to install on the roofs of existing buildings for greening, improving the adaptability of buildings towards climate change.

Elmich’s Business Development Manager for Urban Greenery, Jonathan Yuen explained that commonly seen green roofs are already planned in the early stages of architectural design before the building is completed. Whereas a BlueGreen Roof can be installed during building retrofits as it operates independently from the waterproofing and drainage systems of the original roof.

“During a heavy rainstorm, this system may reduce surface runoff on the roof up to 30%. Rainwater will be collected into a stormwater detention module e.g. VersiDrain® BG for daily irrigation of green plants on the roof. We are able to use our mobile phones to remotely manage the water volume of the module, such as controlling the discharge amount and frequency, so that the plants can grow healthily in any climate.”

Read full feature from Lianhe Zaobao (16 November 2023) here: (print