VersiWall® GP Metal

What is VersiWall® GP Metal

VersiWall® GP Metal (VGP M) is a modular vertical greening system manufactured using aluminium for indoor green walls that meet the SCDF* fire safety regulations of construction using non-combustible materials.

VGP M can create free-standing green walls or be simply mounted onto concrete walls using either a proprietary rail mounted system or standard wire meshes.

VGP M may be planted in situ or carry up to two conventional 100 mm potted plants for greater interchangeability in temporary displays. Each VGP M tray conceals irrigation piping and has multiple drainage outlets to spread overflow over a larger surface onto the trays below.

*Singapore Civil Defence Force

- Tray
235 mm (L) x 131 mm (H) x 147 mm (D)
- Rail
1,000 mm (L) x 50 mm (H) x 16 mm (D)
Tray planting volume
~ 2 L
Weight (planted)
< 50 kg/m2
Vertical pitch between trays
150-200 mm (recommended)