
What is VersiJack®

VersiJack® is a heavy duty height and slope adjustable pedestal designed for floor, deck, paver, beam and bearer support.

VersiJack® is used in the construction of roof terraces, pedestrian walkways, roof gardens, plaza decks, sun decks, balconies, pool surrounds, podium landscapes and verandas.

VersiJack® screwjack pedestal is height-adjustable from 37 mm to 1014 mm, with the use of proprietary “extenders”. An integrated slope corrector adjusts for slopes up to 5%.

VersiJack® reduces sound transmission, increases heat insulation and allows unsightly services to be concealed within the cavity under the elevated platform allowing easy access when required.

VersiJack® is used to create raised floors with most pavers including granite, marble, porcelain and precast concrete. These adjustable pedestal decking are widely used to support timber and composite bearers, and excellent for creating reusable or temporary exhibition flooring.

VersiJack® screwjack adjustable pedestals function for flooring support, deck support, beam, bearer and paver support on:

  • Roof terraces
  • Pedestrians walkways
  • Roof gardens
  • Plaza decks
  • Balconies
  • Pool surrounds
  • Reflective pools
  • Podium landscapes
  • Under water features
  • Raised technical floors
  • Temporary floors or Exhibition stands
  • Eliminates the use of bedding sand
  • Easy access to concealed services and waterproofing membranes
  • Waterproofing membranes not penetrated
  • Allows air ventilation and increased heat insulation
  • Elimination of efflorescence and algae
  • A cost effective alternative to brick piers
  • Stable deck support
  • Minimise sound transmission
  • Support US LEED™ credits
  • Measure the total area to be paved to determine the number of pavers or beams required. One VersiJack® screwjack pedestal is required for every paver or for approximately each linear metre of beam to be supported.
  • Use sight or laser lines to mark the intersections of the corners of each paver to be laid.
  • Adjust the 0–5% inclinator to compensate for any fall in the slab.
  • Use 1–2 mm VersiJack® rubber shims if required to ensure each paver is level.
  • Position VersiJack® screwjack pedestals without tabs where edges and corners are to be supported. If necessary, saw along marked score lines on the bottom of the units so that units may be positioned along wall edges or in corners.
  • Commence paving by positioning the first paver in a corner and subsequent pavers along a wall edge.
  • Place the pavers into place on each VersiJack® screwjack pedestal and simply adjust either up or down to ensure each paver is level.
  • Position VersiJack® screwjack pedestals under beams and adjust units either up or down. Screw the beam into the eyelet in the top of the VersiJack® or tie the beam to the screwjack unit to ensure stable floor support.
Height range
13 mm to 1014 mm
Ultimate compressive strength1
- CT series (Max. height @ 5 mm displacement)
13 - 24 kN
- CF series (Max. height)
15 - 19 kN
Design compressive strength
10 kN
Slope Correction
- Top
up to 5%
- Bottom
up to 5%
- Diameter
205 mm
- Height extension
10 mm
Spacer Tab Post
- Height
12 / 15 / 25 mm
- Thickness
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 mm (gap between pavers)
Bearer holder
35 mm to 80 mm (bearer width)
Biological / Chemical resistance
Unaffected by moulds and algae.
Good resistance to alkali and bitumen.
1 Varies with different height

Top Slope Corrector
Creates level surfaces by compensating for gradients up to 5%.

Adjustable Pedestal Support | Top Slope Corrector

Adjustable Pedestal | Top Slope Corrector VJF Application

Barrel Extender
Requires only 3 extenders to reach height of 1014 mm.

Adjustable Pedestal Decking | Barrel Extender

Adjustable Deck Pedestals | Barrel Extender VJF Application

VJ Wall Spacer
VJ Wall Spacer with compressible buffer allows for expansion, contraction and paver movement.

Click here for brochure.

Paver Pedestal | Wall Spacer VJF Application

Vertical Edge Clips
Vertical Edge Clips secure pavers upright for free fall edge installations.

Paver Pedestal | Vertical Edge Clips VJF Application

Variable Angle Spacer Tab
Variable Angle Spacer Tab with rotatable posts supports up to 6 pavers.

Click here for brochure.

Paver Pedestal | Variable Angle Spacer Tab

Tile Pedestal | Variable Angle Spacer Tab VJF Application

Bearer Holder
Bearer Holder keeps battens of 35 mm to 80 mm width secured centrally on the pedestals.

Tile Pedestal | Bearer Holder

Concealed Paver Retainer
Concealed Paver Retainer increases wind uplift resistance for elevated roof pavers.

Paver Pedestal | Concealed Paver Retainer

Paver Pedestal | Concealed Paver Retainer VJF Application

Exposed Paver Retainer
Exposed Paver Retainer increases wind uplift resistance for elevated roof pavers.

Paver Pedestal | Exposed Paver Retainer

Tile Pedestal | Exposed Paver Retainer VJF Application

Bottom Slope Corrector
Bottom Slope Corrector allows pedestals to remain upright on inclines of up to 5%.

Tile Pedestal | Bottom Slope Corrector VJF Application

Pedestal Shim
Allows for minor height increments, as well as providing sound and vibration dampening.

Tile Pedestal | Pedestal Shim VJF Application

Dampening Pad
Dampening Pad protects the underlying membrane and acts as an acoustic and vibration dampening layer.

Tile Pedestal | Dampening Pad VJF Application

Paver Lifter
Removes pavers during maintenance or for access to concealed services.

Turning Tool
Facilitates the quick assembly of VersiJack® pedestals.

Click here for video.