
What is SpiraPave®

SpiraPave® is a new generation, high strength pedestal consisting of separate paired components to create pedestals of different heights. Units may be adjusted either up or down in 1mm increments.

SpiraPave® is used to support bearers in the construction of roof terraces, pedestrian walkways, roof gardens, plaza decks, sun decks, pool surrounds and balconies.

SpiraPave® is adjustable in height from 12 to 119 mm, making it ideal for installations where conventional supports are impractical.

SpiraPave® may be used in conjunction with a Slope Corrector which compensates for slopes of up to 5%.

SpiraPave® may be used with a Bearer Holder that caters for 35 to 80 mm wide bearers.

SpiraPave® is lightweight, has a flat smooth base, and is easy to install. Unlike brick and metal piers, it does not damage water proofing membranes.

SpiraPave® pedestals, for raised flooring on:

  • Roof terraces
  • Pedestrians walkways
  • Roof gardens
  • Plaza decks
  • Balconies
  • Pool surrounds
  • Reflective pools
  • High load bearing (20 kN) strength
  • Manufactured from recycled plastics
  • 1 mm incremental height adjustment commencing at 18 mm
  • < 5% slope correction unique bearer support holder that caters for varying width bearers
  • Supports bearers and timber panel decking
  • SpiraPave® incorporates a number of decking support accessories
  • SpiraPave® supports 35 to 80 mm timber bearers
  • Height and slope adjustable
  • Ease of installation
  • Catering for bearer widths from 35 to 80 mm
  • Waterproofing membranes not damaged
  • A cost effective alternative to brick and metal piers
  • Catering for warped timber
  • Supports Green Star building ratings
  • Measure the total area to determine the number of bearers required. One SpiraPave® pedestal is required for each linear metre of bearer to be supported.
  • Position SpiraPave® pedestals with a Slope Corrector and a Bearer Holder at required intervals.
  • Adjust the 0–5% slope corrector to compensate for any falls in the slab.
  • Position on bearers and adjust the SpiraPave® pedestal either up or down so that the bearer is level.
  • Screw the bearer into the eyelet in the wing of the Bearer Holder.
  • Anchor bearers to all perimeter walls using metal brackets.
  • Finish with Timber or Composite decking boards.
Height range
12 mm to 119 mm
Ultimate compressive strength1
>20 kN
Design compressive strength
15 kN
Slope correction
up to 5% @ 1% increment
Base Diameter
154 mm
172 mm (with Slope Corrector)
Spacer Tab Post
12 / 15 / 25 mm
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 mm (gap between pavers)
Bearer holder
35 mm to 80 mm (bearer width)
Biological /Chemical resistance
Unaffected by moulds and algae.
Good resistance to alkali and bitumen.
1 Varies with different combination

Wall Spacer
Wall Spacer with compressible buffer allows for expansion, contraction and paver movement.

Bearer Holder
Suitable for widths 35–80 mm to keep bearer firmly in place.

Variable Angle Spacer Tab
Variable Angle Spacer Tab with adjustable posts used for up to 6 pavers.

Base Plate
Base Plate distributes weight over a larger support area.