
What is Envirocrete

Envirocrete is an integral waterproofing consisting of Portland cement, treated silica sand and various active chemicals. Added to concrete at batching, Envirocrete generates non-soluble crystals throughout the capillaries and pores in the concrete, creating a physical barrier to water.

  • Basements

  • Tunnels

  • Water tanks

  • Precast concrete

  • Water retaining structures

  • Maximises waterproofing of concrete
  • Will withstand extreme hydrostatic pressure > 7 bar
  • Exceptional durability at -20°C to 50°C
  • Reduces shrinkage and cracking
  • Protection of concrete against certain aggressive chemicals including chloride attack to steel reinforcing
  • Seal static cracks up to 0.4 mm
  • Complies with SS 375: 2001 – Potable water

For waterproofing concrete, the recommended addition rate for Envirocrete is 0.8% – 1.2% by weight of cement. For enhanced chemical resistance please consult with Elmich to determine the approximate addition rate.

Envirocrete is added to the concrete at the time of batching. The sequence of procedures for addition will vary according to the type of batch plant operation and equipment.

An ideal water cement ratio of 0.42± to ensure Envirocrete performs as specified.


Normal practices for placing and curing concrete should be followed as laid out in your local standards.

Water permeability (BTD/TP/02/2002)
<5.0 x 10-13
Water penetration (BS EN 12390-8:2009) @ 5 bar for 72 hours
<20 mm
Effects on setting time
Chemical resistance
Resists mild acids and caustic materials in the pH range 3–12