“We have to continually change to stay relevant in the ever-changing business environment, and take bold and inventive steps to make sure we stay ahead of the curve,” was the key message Mr Raymond Lim, Associate Director at Elmich, shared in his speech at the launch of the 2019 Enterprise 50 Awards.
As the recipient of the inaugural Enterprise Transformation Award in the 2018 E50 Awards, Elmich was invited to speak about its successful transformation across 34 years of operations. Other panellists for the launch included Minister for Finance and newly-appointed Deputy Prime Minister Mr Heng Swee Keat, as well as other industry leaders. The panellists shared insights on innovation and transformation, the key to successful enterprises today.
Elmich’s key to success is the emphasis placed on product innovation and quality, as well as the efforts to transform the business to meet the rapidly changing industry. Elmich takes a systematic approach to product development, from raw materials to product design, ensuring the final product is always among the best in the market.
Bold initiatives have also been taken to transform the company from a local enterprise into a global player. To future-proof the company, Elmich invested in strengthening its foundation to be able to meet new challenges head-on. Investing in staff and product certifications has also enabled Elmich to stay relevant and reputable throughout the years.

(From left) Mr Ong Pang Thye, managing partner of KPMG Singapore; Mr Raymond Lim, associate director of Elmich; Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat ; and Mr Toby Koh, group managing director at Ademco Security Group. (Photos from https://enterprise50.org/gallery/)
Read full feature from The Straits Times here (online/print)